Nursing Care

Our nursing care services encompass a wide range of specialized and personalized support to ensure your holistic well-being. 

At Inner Peace In-Home Nursing & Care, we believe in providing not only expert medical care but also compassionate and personalised attention to address your unique needs.

Here’s a more detailed overview of our nursing care services:

Wound Management

Our skilled carers conducts thorough wound assessments and implements evidence-based wound management techniques. We focus on wound healing, infection prevention, and patient comfort. By employing advanced wound care protocols, we promote optimal recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

Palliative Care

Our palliative care services are designed to enhance the quality of life for individuals dealing with serious illnesses. We prioritize symptom management, emotional support, and open communication to ensure that you and your family receive the utmost care, understanding, and comfort during the challenging times.

Health Monitoring/Medication Management

Our dedicated carers will monitor your vital signs, track your health indicators, and provide regular updates to your healthcare team. We offer medication prompting and management services, ensuring you take your medications as prescribed, reducing the risk of medication errors and complications.

Pain Management

Through a combination of medication, therapeutic interventions, and emotional support, our pain management approach aim to minimize your pain and discomfort, allowing you to lead a more active and fulfilling life.

Foot Care

Proper foot care is essential for overall mobility and independence. Our carers specializes in foot assessments, diabetic foot care, and preventive measures. We focus on foot hygiene, nail care, and early detection of issues to prevent complications and maintain your mobility.

Ear Care

Ear health is crucial for communication and overall well-being. Our carers provide thorough ear assessments, earwax removal, and preventive care. We address concerns related to hearing loss, infections, and ear discomfort, ensuring your auditory health is optimized.


In addition to these core nursing care services, we will engage you in a variety of health management activities to promote an active and fulfilling lifestyle:

  • Guided Outdoor Activities
  • Nutritional Support
  • Assistance with Activities
  • Coordination of Allied Health Services
  • Physical Activities
  • Transportation and Support
  • Individualized Pain Management Plans
Nursing Care


Personal Care

Personal Care

Providing exceptional support in your daily life, ensuring that you can live independently and comfortably in your own home.

Social Care

Social Care

Offering personalized in-home support and social activities tailored to bring joy and excitement into your life.